
My group is eliminating our external variables by using the same types of dominoes, marbles, and other materials. We also put the dominoes and stuff on the same surface type. The same person is the one starting the Rube Goldberg, so there is the same amount of force applied to the dominoes.

Proficiency #1

Experimental Design



Proficiency #2

Problem- How will the surface type affect the amount of time it takes a marble to reach the bottom of the track?
Hypothesis- I think that the smoother the surface the faster the marble will travel.

Experimental Design
             Materials- wood, foil, carpet


Proficiency #3
Problem-Does the surface of the ramp affect the acceleration of the car?
Hypothesis-I think the car will  accelerate faster on the track(smooth surface) because the track has a smoother surface than the cardboard so there is less fiction.

Experimental Design
IV-Surface of track
CV-Starting point, ramp height, stopping point, same width, 
             Materials- toy car, plastic track, cardboard track, timer,
1) Gather all Materials.
2) Make track lenghts and widths the same.


Proficiency #4
Experiment: Rube Goldberg!!!
Ok this video is by Maggie, Gayathri, Kim, Alaina, and of course me! The object of the rube goldbirg is to hit the cowbell. The pulley(the ball is on it) and screw(the white cross thingy) is at the beginning. The inclined plane is the black thing at the end(yes it was inclined!) The lever is the hammer thing that gets hit by the tennis ball towards the beginning. The wheel and axle is hard to see but it is the wheels on the car. The is potential energy showed by the marble before it is hit down the skyrail. The is kinetic energy showed by most things when they are in motion.

Proficiency #5

Everyone knows that there are many brilliant people in the world but not all of them get recognized. How many of them think about ways to help the environment? Lots of them do; they try to figure out ways to use less fossil fuels.

Ocean energy is one way they are trying to use more of. There are two ways to use the ocean's energy. One is called ocean thermal energy. Ocean thermal energy is when the sun heats up the suface of the water. Then it is used for electricity generation. An interesting fact is that if scientists could "trap" the sun's heat, it could pretty much power the world! Ways that they convert this power into electricity has three different cycles it can go theough. The first way is called closed-cycle. A closed cycle is when the water vaper expands and turns a turbine which creates the electricity. A open-cycle is another way. This is when the water boils and the stem helps make the electrcity. The last cycle is called a hybrid-cycle. A hybrid-cycle is when both open and closed-cycle are combined.

Another way to use ocean energy is ocean mechanical energy. This is when scientists use the power of the ocean's waves and tides. To make the electicity, it needs some sort of mechanical device. A dam is used, mostly with the tides energy, to make the water go into turbines which spins to create the electricity needed. The waves energy there are three different systems it goes through. The first one is called channel systems, this helps the water flow into reservoirs. Then there are float systems that drives hydralic pumps and finally the water goes into an oscillating water column. There the waves are used to compress air in a container. From there is electricity.

These are just a few ways that human electrical needs can be reached. All of these plants can be placed not only by the oceans but by the Great Lakes and such too. Ocean/lake energy plants should be built everywhere they can. This way we can use more renewable energy sources and less fossil fuels.

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